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sobota, 19 listopada 2011

Mecz o mistrzostwo świata pań według ChessBase

Hou, Yifan2578Koneru, Humpy2600½–½C83WCh w418.11.2011
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6 5.0-0 xe4 6.d4b5 7.b3 d5 8.dxe5 e6 9.bd2 c5 10.c3 e7 11.c2d4 12.b3 d3 13.xc5 dxc2 14.xd8+ xd8 15.xe6fxe6 16.e3 d5 17.c4 bxc4 18.ac1 b4 Hou Yifan: I remembered that I played this line before, but I could not recall the game. 19.a3 d3 20.xc2 d7 21.d4 b8 22.c3 c5Humpy Koneru: I was also thinking about another move here, which is 22...c5 23.g3 f8 24.g2 which was also possible to play. 22...f8 was also possible here. 23.d2 xe5 24.f4 Humpy: After this move I think White is better in the endgame. I have weak pawns. But the question is how to convert it into a win. It was a tough game, I had to defend a lot.g4 25.xc4 f6 26.e1 d4+ 27.xd4 xd4 28.h3 f629.e5+ d6 30.f7+ d7 31.e5+ d6 32.f7+ d733.xc5 xb2 34.e5+ e8 35.f3Humpy: I think White could have tried 35.c7 This would have been better for White than the actual game. 35...e4 36.xe4Yifan: I think I could have played better. Maybe I missed some good chances today. For example if I played 36.d1 here, I don't know what would have happened. It could be a better continuation. 36...xe4 37.e5 c3Is there any difference if Black had played 37...g3 Humpy: When the knight is on c3, it also controls the a-pawn, so I think it is better. 38.xe6+ f8 39.xa6The commentators of the tournament asked Hou Yifan if she had considered playing 39.h2 here, with the possible linee2 40.e4 Yifan replied: Yes, I missed this line, it could be better to play it. Humpy Koneru: Of course it was better for White to try this out. 39...e2+ 40.h2 xf4 Hou Yifan: After we passed the time control on the 40th move, the position was already a draw 41.g3xg2 42.e6 h6 43.e5 a2 44.a4 g5 45.xh6 e146.f6+ g7! 47.g6+ h7 48.xg5 xa4 49.h4 a3+50.g4 g2 51.h5 e3+ 52.f4 d5+ 53.f5 a5 54.g1a2 55.g4 a5 56.e4 c3+ 57.d3 d5 58.e4½–½

Wyniki pierwszej rundy MŚJ w Brazylii na godzinę 10.30 (z dżungli inne informacje nie docierają)

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23WFMKiolbasa Oliwia1741POL11.017U 12 Girls
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Emperceiramento das próxima ronda para POL

Hou Yifan - Humpy Koneru 2,5:1,5 w meczu o mistrzostwo świata pań

Humpy Koneru obroniła pozycję

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